Monday, October 29, 2012

Fall in the Heartland

MARCIA POWELL -- Blog article (#9) – October 30, 2012

Picking up from my last blog of August 12th, (to read earlier blog articles, go to, I/we survived the drought. True, some seeds I planted never came up—I think because I didn't water them enough early on. But the alfalfa being grown on my 20 acres survived and was harvestable. I do continue to see a lot of chemtrails in the sky and continue to believe that the weather is being “geo-engineered.” Just an hour ago I read an email saying that Hurricane Sandy was geo-engineered (HAARP) and is part of the power games going on. Eegads! I just take in the data and put it in my data banks for further evaluation—and continue to prepare for anything.

When I was 15, a fellow named Henry Monteith told me to read “Autobiography of a Yogi,” which started (continued) me on my spiritual search. He also showed my family pictures of the UFO that crashed at Roswell. He left town and we did not re-connect until a month ago (55 years)! He said he was thinking about me 3 days before I got the urge to look him up and found him via the internet. He's a PhD physicist and still very into helping to wake up mankind. He found his soulmate at age 60 and has written a book about cosmological soulmates. Interesting reading.

Attended the opening event of a community garden, and last Saturday the kickoff event for the new local currency. There's a lot of people in this town doing very good work which aligns with my goal to help make Champaign County a sustainable community. 

The Food and Water Watch organization has sent a paid organizer to this city to start the campaign to label GMO foods in Illinois. Yea! I hope Prop 37 passes in California, as that will help us with our campaign.

Probably like many of you, I was appalled at what the GOP did to Ron Paul at the GOP Convention in Tampa. It resulted in my decision to help grow the Libertarian party. Between now and Nov. 6th I will continue to campaign for Rob Meister in the hopes of getting him elected to the Illinois State Assembly. As mentioned in my last blog, the citizens of Illinois need to break up the power of the House Speaker, Mike Madigan. There is more and more press (e.g. Chicago Tribune) about this, which gives me hope.

One way the local symphony orchestra raises money is to have “Taste of Elegance” parties at beautiful homes. I've been to a couple—always good for meeting new and interesting people. Have been to some great concerts. One featured the orchestra, a big chorus, and 7 great soloists singing Leonard Bernstein's “Make Our Garden Grow” (listen to it on YouTube). Omigod! I almost sobbed out loud! Had to dash home and write up the experience.

Am taking the Hubbard Dianetics Course so as to know how to deliver Dianetic auditing as done when the book first came out in 1950. Delivered my first session a few days ago! I continue to help the local Mission.

After years of thinking about it, I finally decided to exercise my 2nd amendment rights, so have purchased a revolver (for self defense) and taken the NRA basic course. There's a lot more to all this than I had realized ... another adventure!

Achieved another goal I've had for a long time—learned how to grow sprouts. It's quite easy, really. My gourmet salad is even healthier than it was!

But my life is not perfect, witness a recent incident with my computer. A fellow convinced me I should switch from Windows to Linux operating system and that he could quickly and easily do it. Well, after 2 weeks of computer-hell, I had to send my beautiful Toshiba laptop back to the factory and purchase a desktop so as to keep working. Oi vey! The Toshiba is back now, but I'm going to have to pay my new computer guy to synchronize it with the desktop for use when I travel.

Okay, so you probably want to know if I'm still single (smile)... yes, I am, but I have been dating a bit--just haven't met the right guy yet.

The Affinity Exchange continues to get products, so please continue to promote it to your single friends. Have a few piano students now, ages 8, 11, 60 and 70!

Recently sister Jane and I drove to Galesburg (IL) for a family get-together. Met relatives I didn't even know existed! Nice, since my family tends to be smallish.

To wrap up, I think this is a highly unusual time in history. According to Henry, we're at the end of the 1000-year period that transitions us from a 24,000 year period of “darkness” to a 24,000 year period of “light.” Apparently the Mayans in South America on Dec. 21, 2012 plan to celebrate the start of the new period. Sounds like a good plan to me. However, I think the “dark forces” (i.e., the global elite) are still trying to cause a lot of destruction, so I'm trying to be prepared for anything, and help others do the same. First priority: STORE FOOD!

Again, if you’re not already familiar with, I hope you will take a look at it.

If you know of anyone interested in helping me with my sustainable farm, and possibly a sustainable community, please give them my contact data.

Hope you all are flourishing and prospering (thriving)!
Please stay in touch.

Love to all, Marcia (217) 607-0632 home (818) 552-2211 cell

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Summer in the Heartland

MARCIA POWELL --  Blog article (#8) – August 12, 2012

Picking up from my last blog of June 2nd  (to read earlier blog articles, go to, the big (bad) news is the Midwest drought.  After watching the “What in the world are they spraying?” documentary, I realized that this drought (and the Texas drought earlier) might well be a result of “geo-engineering.”  Oy vey!  (my favorite Hebrew term meaning an exclamation of dismay).  It’s very sad seeing the crops die and the trees and bushes (all plants not being watered by humans) all crying out for water.  By watering my yard garden, I am keeping most stuff alive, but some has not come up at all. 

Funny incident last week… when my gardening consultant came by, I was about to ask him when I could expect to see a beginning cucumber when he reach beneath the foliage and came up with a 10-inch cuke!  How’s that for being a “green” gardener (play on words, ha, ha!)

I’ve been passing out flyers in the neighborhood for months, and finally now have five piano students—only 1 directly from the flyers, but hey!  Outflow = inflow.   Otherwise, musically, my cousin Beau and completed rearranging “The Joy of Creating” so that there is an SAB (Soprano Alto Baritone), as well as making the existing SATB version even better.  I’ve assigned myself the hat of helping start choirs in all the Ideal Orgs, so what is needed is music in SAB versions so as to circumvent the problem of scarcity of tenors.  I’ve purchased the Sibelius music program but have yet to learn it. 

My old friend, Lea Frechette, and her husband and son came through on their way to Indiana.  I managed to put them up for the night.  Fun to visit with L.A. friends.  You’re all invited to visit the Heartland. 

West Urbana, by the way, was recognized as one of 10 of the greatest neighborhoods in the U.S.!

The head of the Libertarian Party here (a colorful lady with lavender hair) is researching moving to Costa Rica.  Her reason (among others):  “I don’t do drones.”  My plan is to talk her into staying here and setting things to rights.

There was this repeated ad on NPR radio by this Rosenstein guy who made a documentary about a lady whose case went to the Supreme Court and changed the nation.  Turns out back in 1965 I met Dannel McCollum through a friend.  In 2008 he published his book entitled “The Lord Was Not on Trial” about the Supreme Court case about prayer in the schools.  It was his mother who brought the case to trial (related to his brother) and prompted Rosenstein’s documentary.  Anyway, Dannel remembered me, responded immediately to my email, and we had an hour meeting the very same day.  He was mayor of Champaign for 12 years, so definitely someone I was interested in getting to know. 

Am continuing to work with the local GOP.  Upgraded to a smart phone (finally!) so that I could download an app that allows me to walk a precinct—the program gives you the order of houses—and enter the survey data directly into the phone, and thus into the party’s databanks.  Pretty nifty!  I gotta master it so I can then instruct my volunteers how to do it.  Also, I’ve met with the Sheriff, and with the assistant to my Congressman; plus I’ve had a phone conversation with my mayor. 

Another funny political incident … Mike Bost is a Representative to the Illinois State Assembly.  A vote was coming upon a bill, and then he was told the Speaker of the House, Mike Madigan, had just sent down a revised bill—20 MINUTES BEFORE THE VOTE.  When it was Bost’s turn to speak, he had a “meltdown”—i.e. a heartfelt protest about Madigan’s shenanigans (hey, that was clever!).  It was video’d and went viral on YouTube.  He came to Champaign-Urbana to speak at a fund-raising event, so I decided to go and meet him personally (as one of my goals is to take down Madigan, as I’m getting that he is a suppressor to the State).  I showed the video to my daughter Ashley, who was visiting, and, knowing I was going to talk to him, she said, “Mom, ask him if he’s going to get mad again.”  “Get mad again.”  “Get Madigan.”  Play on words, get it?  So clever!  So I told him, and he said, “Thank you, Ashley.”  I hope he uses it. 

Ashley (28 now and a massage therapist in Portland) and her boyfriend, Ethan, came to Illinois for a visit.  His family live in the Chicago area, so they spent a few days there, then came down here for a few days.  He teaches guitar and does sound engineering.  Great guy.  We bonded when he found out I could sing most of “It Can’t Happen Here” from Frank Zappa’s “Freak Out” album (1969).  I was amazed to find a young person who was familiar with it.  

We finally had time for Ashley to tell me about her trip to Southeast Asia last fall.  Enjoyed hearing about her numerous adventures, and proud of her for confronting and dealing with various things.  Definitely a growing up experience.  Her massage therapy practice is blooming—tech plus all her positive vibes! 

The relatives from Southern Indiana came up, and we all spent a very hot day in Jane’s pond.  Checking up on my physical condition, I dove off the pier at the north end of the pond and managed to make it to the south end (about 100 yards)—not exactly challenging Michael Phelps’ record, but I was proud to make it.

If you’re not already familiar with, I hope you will take a look at it.  There was no existing group in my area, so I have started one.  What I called my “Survival Club” will now be my Thrive Group. 

Hope you all are flourishing and prospering (thriving)! 
Please stay in touch.

Love to all, Marcia            (217) 607-0632  home     (818) 552-2211  cell 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Spring in the Heartland

MARCIA POWELL --  Blog article (#7) – June 2, 2012

Picking up from my last blog of April 14th (to read earlier blog articles, go to, the BIG NEWS is the “merger” (technically, an affiliation) of The Affinity Exchange with Free Spirit Singles.  I recently wrote a 4-page history of The Affinity Exchange so that my clients could understand the why’s and wherefore’s of the recent changeover.  To make a long story short, FSS was my competitor/nemesis for ten years.  During these years, I would often say to myself, “If only I could talk with his computer programmer…”  Well, that is what I did last October in Clearwater, and dear Hermann duplicated my viewpoints on why the existing competitive situation was a lose-lose scenario.  He convinced Rob to propose an affiliation, we worked out the details, and the changeover occurred on May 12th!  

Moving thousands of profiles from one dating service to another wherein the sites are not the same is, as you can imagine, a computer programmer’s nightmare.  Thus, Hermann is the hero of the hour.  It wasn’t perfect, and we’re still handling “stuff,” but it’s working and my AE members (and myself!) are getting through the “trauma of change.”  Whew! 

Now I can get to work on some promotional ideas I have.  Of course, I hope all my friends will continue to refer their friends who are single and looking to  It’s a combined database with two different “portals.”  As usual, ANYONE can join.

I’ve been passing out flyers in the neighborhood for piano students.  Brenda Porter, a 60-year-old black lady, is my first student.  Love teaching her!

Does anyone remember when I lived in Eagle Rock, worked at a law firm downtown, bicycled to work, started the club for people who biked to work downtown, and was interviewed on NPR radio?  Yeah, well I bicycled most of my life until I moved to Hollywood and didn’t have room for a bike.  So now, many years later, I’m riding again.  Had to buy a brand new Schwinn (yellow-green, of course) in order to get the color and size I needed.  It had to be comfortable enough and have enough gears for me to be able to ride to my sister’s (20 miles) in event of not being able to drive.  About my 3rd ride, I put my foot wrong-way-to on the pedal and took a spill.  Two bloody knees!  (Felt like a 12-year-old.)  But I got right back on and didn’t let it deter me. 

I paid a guy with a roto-tiller to dig up my south yard.  I then dug trenches to create raised beds for the seeds.  I’ve planted radishes, beets, peas, broccoli, carrots, different kinds of lettuce; plus transplanting some tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and garlic brought to me by a friend.  A few plants are showing themselves, and I’ve started weeding.  Oh, the joy of pulling a weed out by the root!   My thought:  kids should be planting gardens and getting rewarded for getting the weeds out with roots intact (difficult, actually). 

On Memorial weekend, I drove to Jane’s for an impromptu weenie roast at the pond with my nephew and grand-niece.  As I drove past my 25 acres (green with alfalfa), it suddenly looked VERY big—way bigger than it had last January.  I realized it’s due to my yard gardening experience of dropping microscopic seeds into tiny holes.  When I start growing vegetables there, I am NOT going to be using a big tractor and planting machine.  Anyone know a young couple who wants to make a career as organic farmers?  (I’m serious… living in the Heartland is where it’s at.)

My yard now sprouts a lovely sign reading EAT YOUR YARD.  I’m compiling a list of people in my neighborhood who are growing veggies in their yard.  The 2nd meeting of my Survival Club will be on Monday.  Again, I recommend that everyone should watch the movie on and follow the “What To Do” recommendations.   My food storage project is up to about 3 weeks now.  Have some rice and beans… now have to learn how to cook ‘em! 

The weather here is positively entertaining!  I was shopping at my food co-op a few weeks ago when a sudden thunderstorm hit, followed by the tornado sirens going off, followed by a rainbow that looked like it sprouted from the parking lot!  A few days ago it was in the 90’s.  This morning it was in the 50’s.  The main thing we need is more rain. Now, how did that rain dance go… ?    I can water my yard garden, but we’re not set up to water a 25-acre field.

Went to a protest meeting regarding a coal company wanting to put a coal mine in the area here.  No way, Jose!  Wonder if I’ll have to put my body in front of a bulldozer …?!  Per the Thrive movie, people know how to build free-energy machines.  We just need to get the Banksters to stop suppressing the tech. 

As for my political work, it’s fascinating.  Ron Paul’s “submarine delegate strategy” is fascinating.  Meanwhile, I’m busy getting to know the Players in Champaign County.   Have attended a Teaparty event, and an Occupy meeting just to find out who they are and what they’re up to.  Part of my goal is to get these small diverse groups working together on the bigger issues.  I’ll be working on a couple of political campaigns.  The Illinois government is in sad shape, so that’ll continue to be an ongoing project.  Plus I want to participate in some way in the city and county government. 

So, dear friends, learn to grow food, see to your survival basics, pay more attention to your local government, get to know your neighbors, disconnect from the mega banks,  invest in silver, and, as the author of “Crisis by Design” says at the end of each chapter of his book, “Keep your ammo dry.”

Please stay in touch.

Love to all, Marcia             (818) 552-2211  cell 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Life in the Heartland

MARCIA POWELL -- Blog article (#7) – April 14, 2012

Two months since my last blog article… time flies when you’re having fun! Actually, I’m somewhat amazed how much I am enjoying life here in Urbana, Illinois. One factor is probably that I’m doing a lot of creating in numerous areas.

As I think most of you know by now, bringing sanity to government is my biggest passion. The Illinois Primary was March 20th. With the Ron Paul group, I ended up walking 3 different precincts—definitely a learning experience. A couple of years ago someone had sent me an article about how important precinct committemen are, and now I’m beginning to get subjective reality on that.

In the same way that Ron Paul, basically a Libertarian, is running as a Republican, I am “joining” the Republican party here and should soon be appointed as an official precinct committeeman. I start imagining what the world would be like if precinct captains actually took a lot of responsibility for the people in their precinct and their welfare along the eight dynamics. Little third dynamics within the larger groupings.

The “ex-officio” head of the Ron Paul group graduated and got a job in DC, so looks like I am sliding into his shoes and taking over the leadership. Yea! Last weekend I gathered up Ron Paul signs and flyers from the group members, loaded them into my car, and made a trip to southern Indiana to visit my niece and her family. They just bought a piano, so I took Maddie (age 12) a book of violin solos with piano accompaniment. Also showed niece Lockie how to coach Maddie on beginning piano. After the kids went to bed, I helped them hide the Easters eggs. Good being with family.

When I left Urbana I still did not have a contact person for the Ron Paul stuff, but Scott came through and I connected with a guy in Indianapolis who allowed me to drop the stuff off at his house while he was at church Sunday morning. Mission accomplished! Afterwards I realized what a true grassroots action this was—the Illinois supporters helping the Indiana supporters all on their own, no connection with the campaign people.

As for the whole Ron Paul saga—and it IS a saga—it’s quite an eye-opener for me to confront that there really is voter fraud going on in the U.S. (Note: I got trained and was an election judge for the Primary. No fraud in OUR polling place!) Our meetup group leader was instrumental in getting Ron Paul to come to the U of I and do a rally. Over 4500 people attended. I was in the 3rd row, about 25 feet away from him. He spoke with no teleprompters and a lot of heart. So even if he does not win the candidacy, a movement is underway that I expect will have some positive influences on the political scene.

Last Thursday night I was able to meet and talk one-on-one with the head of the local Libertarian Party. She also is on the Party Boards at state and national levels, so is a great person to get data about that party.

Yesterday I made up and got printed some little flyers encouraging people to go to and become supporters of the National Retail Sales Tax. I’ll be passing these out at the post office as people go to mail their tax returns, and also at the teaparty rally tomorrow.

While on the one hand I am working to bring sanity to government, on the other I am working on survival/preparedness things. A couple of the Ron Paul supporters own a house walking distance from mine. They have built a geodesic-dome-type greenhouse in their back yard! We’re going to form the nucleus of a Survival Club in this neighborhood.

If you have not already watched the movie on, please do so. It’s 2 hrs 12 minutes, so prepare accordingly. Their suggested solutions seem sane to me.

As for getting back to Clearwater, what with spring coming along, I’ve started to pass out flyers regarding piano lessons. My first student starts next Wednesday. Of course, I continue to run The Affinity Exchange. More on that in my next blog.

The “Small Farm Wannabe” course taught me how much I don’t know about organic farming! Especially enjoyed the field trip to two small farms nearby. Mass to go with the significance! Sue and Tom, my cash/rent farmers, have planted the alfalfa. Now I HAVE to talk about the weather …

So many of my friends live in either California or Florida where the weather does its thing, but seldom does it majorly affect your life and activities. Now when I hear the weather report on the radio, I pay attention. Illinois had a record-breaking mild winter, with 80-degree weather in March. Now, into April, instead of warmth and spring showers, we’d had temperatures below freezing and a drought!! Thus can I lie awake at night worrying about my little alfalfa seedlets.

Having built up quite a reference library on gardening, and having found some people nearby who garden, this coming week I hope to start my own yard garden. I’m strongly encouraging everyone I know to learn how to grow food.

Attended a great concert a couple of weeks ago—Mandy Patinkin and Nathan Gunn, singers. Tonight will hear the Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra with a new lady-friend from the Republican party. There’s way more cultural events here than I possibly have time for, but it’s good havingness.

On Feb. 25th, Paul, the local mission holder, and I and two other guys drove to Cincinnati for the Grand Opening of their new Ideal Org. Lovely! Their chapel is big AND HAS A GRAND PIANO! Guess who needs to get a choir started there?!

Love and best wishes, Marcia

Friday, February 17, 2012

Getting established

MARCIA POWELL -- Blog article (#6) – February 17, 2012
Note: I have added some names to my email list, so if this is the first blog article you are receiving, I suggest you go to and read the previous articles (5) before reading this one.
My last blog of December 24th found me staying at my sister Jane’s house (the house I grew up in) in the country 17 miles east of Urbana, Illinois (population 110,000—a college town). Christmas was a fun family affair what with Jane’s two kids and their kids (and one big dog!).
Next project: find a place to live. That was an experience! Just when I thought it might be impossible, I turned to Craigs list (yes, Urbana has a Craigs list) and made a call. The landlord said he and his friends were having a party at the house, but come on over. By the end of the hour’s visit, complete with birthday cake, I wrote him a check. What closed me was that he said I could dig a garden in the south yard, and could have a cat if I paid a pet deposit.
The house, built in 1908, only has 774 sq feet—just a shoebox of a house—1 bath, 1-1/2 bedrooms… sorta strange, but I’m working with it. The kitchen is like a cockpit. The floor sort of “undulates,” so nearly every piece of furniture has to be shimmed.

Curiously, the house number is 808, and when I give directions, I say “…go south on Lincoln and then turn left on Oregon where the AXIOM sign is.” Also, the house is walking distance from where my grandparents used to live, as well as from a house my parents had briefly and where I lived for one year during college; so I’m truly “back in the ‘hood.”
On New Year’s I saw the event at the local mission. It ended early enough that I could catch a community choir concert at a local theater. 70 voices; good quality. Some day I’ll meet the director.
In the past, I think all my moves occurred in hot weather, so it was a unique experience to move in 25 degree weather, with actual snowfall before we were through! During the 6 weeks since then, I have been working on getting the right furniture and then “a place for everything and everything in its place.” Challenging, but rewarding when done!
Shopped the local piano stores, then again checked Craigs list. Drove to a town 30 miles away to see a Yahama upright. It had sat in a living room for 30 years without being tuned! Playing it was painful, but I took a chance, talked the guy down to $800, gave him cash, and then called the moving company. Cost another $265 to move it. Held my breath till the piano tuner came and gave me her evaluation—it would take more than one tuning to bring it up to snuff, but it was otherwise in pretty good shape. I gambled and won!
An old friend, Andy Lobue, paid me a visit (flew in from PA). Of course, I put him to work moving furniture (the only way I could get everything in my bedroom was to put the bed in the middle of the room—different, but it works!) and hanging pictures. We had fun renewing our friendship while getting some stuff done.
To accommodate my full LRH materials library, I had to order two custom-made bookcases in addition to one I purchased. No room for a couch, so purchased a Queen Anne chair to accommodate a visitor, or a rare sit-down-and-read moment. Once I get a reading lamp and footstool, the house will be pretty well “finished.” So you all are invited to come visit!
The winter here has been unseasonably warm. Mid January there was a major lightning and thunder storm!! (Global Weirding.) Had one major snowfall. Trouble with living on a corner lot is that you have TWO sidewalks to shovel! Pulled a muscle in my back. Before that pain subsided, I slipped on the ice on my front concrete steps and whacked my back. It was a learning experience! Anyway, I think I have now come to realize that I am no longer living in Southern California—or Florida, for that matter!
I purchased a high quality Needak rebounder—bought one that folds up! Just finished reading the accompanying booklet. Highly recommend it. We all have work to do and need to live as long and healthily as possible.
On the last day in January I figured I’d better go to the mall and get some winter stuff before the January sales ended. Got a $200 coat for $60, boots half price, etc. Bring on the blizzards!
The Krannert Performing Arts Center is only about 10 blocks from my house and has really great performances of all kinds. Went to an MLK event there (100-voice gospel choir!) a few weeks ago, and a few nights ago I went to hear the St. Olaf’s Choir. These young people are able to say, “I memorized a Bach Cantata—IN GERMAN!” I would not have believed it had I not seen/heard it myself!! Here’s a link … watch and weep!
I attended a free showing of a documentary about ending Black History Month, followed by a discussion. Am gathering data about this community—what are the issues? Who are the leaders?
On Monday nights I attend the Ron Paul meetup group. Have agreed to be a precinct captain. I have no backoff on knocking on doors, but I do hope it’s not TOO cold! My landlord is a Democrat but allowed me to put a Ron Paul sign in the yard. Nice people.
One of the people in the Ron Paul group is a young man who is running for the Illinois State Assembly. I had a great one-on-one meeting with him. It’ll be fun to help in his campaign.
Finally met Tom and Sue, the couple who are “cash-renting” my 25 acres. The next three years we’re growing alfalfa as the first step in transitioning the land and rebuilding the soil in preparation for doing sustainable farming. Gives me time to learn what to do next.
Am enjoying meeting with the people at the local Scientology mission. For starters I’m volunteering to work on central files and addresso.
Finally, please know that my daughter, Ashley, (currently living in Portland) finished massage therapy school, is licensed, spent two months in Thailand learning Thai massage, and now has been hired by both a wellness clinic and the college itself! Quite a compliment. I’m a proud mama.
Please write and catch me up on what you’re doing.
Love and best wishes, Marcia
(217) 607-0632 (new home phone)